Aspyr Personal Training - Workout of the Day (WOD) - Tuesday 26th September 2017

Difficulty: 8/9

It's all about the kettlebell in this workout

Warm up:

20 x squats

200m run

20 x lunges

200m run

20 x glute bridge

200m run

20 x kick backs with a band

200m run

20 x side kicks with a band

200m run

20 x crabs

200m run

20 x Is, Ys, Tx

200m run

Sets = 2

Main Set:

200m run

goblet squats

30 sec skip


200m run

single leg squats from a bench

30 sec skip

bulgarian split squats

200m run

squat & press

30 sec skip

kettlebell swings

200m run

reverse axe chops

30 sec skip

famers carry

200m run

Sets = 3


v-sit up with band loop

100m run

squat with chest press

100m run

side plank with leg raise

100m run

oblique standing crunches with kettlebell

100m run